It’s no surprise that soccer is the most popular sport in the world. There are many movies about it. While the quality isn’t always great, there are some movies that will really capture your soccer spirit.

Below is our list with the 20 best soccer movies, both made up stories and movies that are based on real life events..

1. The Two Escobars

Colombian Escobar will always be remembered. Pablo Escobar was a drug baron who made international headlines, but Andres Escobar is well-known in the soccer world.

Escobar was an important player for the Colombian national team. He helped them to potentially make a historic run in the 1994 World Cup. This documentary focuses on how Escobars came across in different ways.

Escobar, who scored his goal in the elimination round at the World Cup, was also changing the country. It is a ESPN film and well worth watching if you are interested in soccer or any other tragic sports story.

2. Fever Pitch

Fever Pitch loves football and women, but it is also passionate about the important things in life. His two love lives are constantly getting in the way of his goals. Is he able to do it?

While many people think the movie isn’t as good or as entertaining as the book, it is still worth watching for those who love soccer and the plot.

3. Green Street Hooligans

Although not everyone is a fan of hooligans playing soccer, this movie does a great job of glorifying it. After being kicked out school, the main character flew to England to visit his sister. He is a fan of West Ham football, and he joins the Green Street Elite.

This movie shows the ups and downs that come with being a hooligan. This movie is a fascinating watch, especially for those who enjoy the English Premier League.

4. Goal! (Trilogy)

A trilogy of movies is a fascinating watch. Working closely with FIFA, it’s fascinating to observe the drama over many years and what happens.

This is the best trilogy for those who love soccer, as it may be too intense for some. You can start with the first film and then move on to the next. It all comes down to the individual’s interest in each of the three movies.

The Football Factory focuses its attention on Chelsea because hooliganism is everywhere. Tommy Johnson, the main character, is a big supporter of Chelsea and is now wondering if it’s still worth following them as much.

While there are some bumps, it’s an interesting look to see what it takes for a large supporter to be a fan of a major soccer team. While it glorifies hooligans in some ways, many people enjoy seeing the inside of hooligans.

6. The Match

This is a rare romantic comedy set in soccer. There are some love stories, but the basic idea is simple. It is a bet between two pubs located in a Scottish village. The winner of the 100th match will live with their pub forever, while the loser would be buried in the ground.

This is a great story and worth watching if you’ve never seen it. Although it might not be the greatest movie, many soccer fans can relate how important games are to them.

7. Bend It Like Beckham

Not everyone knew what Bend it Like Beckham was when it was first released in America. Two main women in the film have one goal: to be professional soccer players. She is from a Sikh family so is unable to play this sport.

Jess has a deep love for David Beckham. This is why the film’s title is what it is. In secret, she joins a team to begin a new life. She plays soccer in a way that she never imagined possible.

8. The Damned United

Brian Claude has been Leeds United’s head of operations for 44 days. Many people believe this story is true, but it is fictionalized.

Many people think the book is better than the movie, just like many movies. The book brings everything to life and tells a story that’s somewhat untold for those who weren’t there at the time.

9. The Firm

The Firm, another soccer movie that confirms the idea of hooliganism being the main theme, is The Firm. It was actually the first movie to celebrate this way of life, having been released in 1988. It focuses on all the activities of West Ham’s Inner City Firm. This hooliganism was quite rampant in the 1970s and 1980s.

This movie shows how it is possible to live a normal life while being a hooligan. This is something many rabid soccer fans have dealt with over the years.

10. The Arsenal Stadium Mystery

This 1939 movie, which is considered one of the earliest movies to feature soccer as a major plotline, is about a fictional football team taking on Arsenal. One of the players from the fictional team dies during the match. The detective must solve the mystery.

Although it’s a trip back in time and the plot may not be as engaging as one would like, it’s still worth watching if you have never seen it before. Some shots are worth looking at from a historical perspective.

11. Escape To Victory

The 1981 film features stars such as Sylvester Stallone (with Michael Caine), Bobby Moore and even Pele. This 1981 film is a must see for soccer fans who want to have some fun with their game. It examines events that occurred in Ukraine during World War II.

German officers challenged prisoner to a football match. An escape plan was devised at the same moment as the traditional match. While it’s not the best film ever made, it’s worth seeing all the stars that appear in the movie.

12. The Miracle Match

The United States has always been an underdog. In 1950, the United States was a bit of an underdog. A team was formed in a short time and had very little training. This film takes a look at what that squad was able to accomplish, beating England in what is still considered the most impressive win in the country’s history.

The Miracle Match is a well-crafted production. Gerard Butler is a fantastic headline star. The story is well-received and it’s definitely worth checking out.

13. The Game of Their Lives

Is it difficult to grasp the summary of Miracle Match? If you’re looking for another view on the upset win by the United States, then this movie is well worth your time. It will be worth your time to see both, even though the basic concept is the same.

It can sometimes be difficult to access both movies. This movie, however, is currently available on a few streaming sites. Because the events occurred so many years ago, not everyone is familiar with the storyline. It is worth trying a different perspective.

14. Mike Bassett, England Manager

Mike Bassett is an English manager for those who love a good mockumentary. It’s all about a lighthearted look at the life of an England manager. It can be funny at the expense or England football, press, or even the players.

Ricky Tomlinson is Mike Bassett’s actor and has had a solid career. This film is worth a look for a great laugh.

15. The Big Green

Although the Big Green did not achieve the success Disney wanted, it is still worth a look as a comedy for children. A group of children teamed up to form a soccer team in 1995. They were successful despite some missteps and ups.

The movie can still be enjoyed by children, while the older generation may remember it from their childhood. While it is worth watching again in certain instances, don’t expect it to be the most entertaining movie.

16. The Miracle of Bern

1954 saw West Germany make a remarkable run to the World Cup finals at Switzerland. It was an incredible run that many believed was impossible after World War II.

People can see what Germany looked like after World War II with The Miracle of Bern. This is a fascinating step back in history that many people don’t know much about. It is worth looking into.

The movie, which is based on true events, talks about a former member of West Ham’s Inner City firm. This movie shows how life can quickly change, starting as a hooligan and ending up in crime.

It isn’t just another hooligan movie. It is a new twist with a lot of unexpected parts that keeps people on the edge.

18. Ladybugs

With Rodney Dangerfield as the coach, this 1982 sports comedy film is about a girl’s soccer team that has plenty of misfits. It has been lost in the shuffle a bit with other 1990s films surrounding sports, but it is still worth checking out for people who want to see Dangerfield’s lighter side in general.

Although initially it was a terrible release, people are now more inclined to it. For kids soccer fans, it might be worth checking out and enjoying some laughter.

19. Kicking & Screaming

This Will Ferrell movie focuses on Ferrell’s father and his character going up against one another in a huge matchup. Being the rival coaches of their son’s soccer teams, There is a lot of back-and-forths trying to one-up each other along the way.

This is one of the best comedies in recent years. While it may seem juvenile, it shows that soccer can be used to drive comedy.

20. She’s The Man

Many people were pleasantly surprised by how good a movie She’s The Man turned out to be. It’s about a girl pretending to be a boy in order to join the soccer team. This was a crazy idea that most people thought would not work.

Amanda Bynes deserves a lot for bringing her character to life. Many believe that she carried it, and the movie ended up being a modest box office hit. Channing Tatum also made an appearance in the movie, as was this other player.