Women’s soccer players have relied on sports bras for years, but there has been a rise in men wearing them in the last few years as well. Even though some of the best athletes in the world don’t need any support, there are still many soccer players who wear bras.

As a way for men to monitor their performance and collect data, sports bras are becoming increasingly popular. This piece of wearable tech is made by a few companies. It can be used to help with everything from injury prevention and strategy for teams. These bras are also suitable for women.

Tracking & Strategy

For a long time, teams have sought out ways to gather information about their players in order to gain an advantage. This is possible by wearing technology. It is difficult to conceal technology in a physical game. Although some players have attempted to hide watches and other devices in practice, this poses too great a risk for injury when the players are trying desperately to get into a position.

These monitors work in all aspects better than any other. Many of these monitors can record up to 10 Hertz of tracking, as opposed to a GPS watch recording at just 1 Hertz. This gives teams the ability to track players more accurately and understand where they are at any given moment, whether it’s during practice or matches.

Health & Fitness

The average person will invest in a fitness monitor to gain a better understanding about things like calories burned and heart rate. These watches, which look like sports bras and can do so much more. This is important for any soccer player. It can be used by players and teams to monitor their fitness, such as fatigue and recovery from injuries.

Soccer teams strive to be the best at their highest levels. There is a good chance that teams will have to play multiple matches per week during a busy season. This makes it difficult to decide who plays and who doesn’t. They can track the health and fitness of players to see who should be included in the lineup.

To determine if the player is able to return to playing after an injury, medical staff can also look at this information. This removes some of the guesswork, and forces players tell the truth. In the past players could fabricate how they feel or perform. But now, there is real data teams can access.

Is it comfortable to wear these sports bra monitors?

Over the past few decades, both women and men soccer players have adopted these monitors. They would only be accepted if they weren’t a hindrance to the sport. Brands can make the bras very light and breathable, so it doesn’t feel bulky at all. It is very similar to any thin undershirt.

Many players actually enjoy wearing this to help prevent other issues. Athletes can experience nipple-chaffing in certain circumstances that can be quite painful. The monitors can help men who aren’t used to wearing any clothes underneath their jersey.

How soccer bras got started

1999 saw the debut of the most famous sports bra ever made. Brandi Chastain, a star player on the USA women’s national soccer team, score the game-winning goal in the World Cup to take the trophy home. She stripped off her shirt to celebrate and exposed her sports bra.

While it generated a lot of attention at the time, it was more about being an unusual celebration than anything. Although she wasn’t the first to sport a bra, it helped bring them into the spotlight. Many claim that she brought attention to sports bras, increasing sales, and giving money to companies to invest in better technology.

Today’s sports bras for women are lighter and more supportive than ever before. This is a big step forward in the right direction. The bulk of a tracking device for this area is minimal, and there are companies that offer an all in one option. This allows women to wear what looks like a sports bra and collect all data.

Future Sports Tracking Technology

As sports technology evolves, it will be fascinating to see how long bras can remain the best option. It is innovative in many ways, but there are still some athletes who don’t fully embrace it. Although it doesn’t seem like there is much room to trim extra bulk, technology may be available elsewhere.

These monitors will be used by individual athletes as well as teams for the foreseeable future. These monitors are an upgrade to the traditional fitness watch. The leading companies push each other to improve and make it more comfortable.